

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Comparison with the American Programmer Indonesia

Today information technology is developing very rapidly, almost all activities conducted at this time utilizing the technology. For example communication activity, business, education and so on. So it is not an exaggeration to say that information technology is a social tool, because the fact that information technology is used intensively in various communities such as institutions, organizations, companies, and others. Besides it takes a good moral, as well as a great responsibility and in accordance with applicable law, ethics also has a very important role.

So it can be concluded that ethics is a set of beliefs, standards, or thoughts that fill an individual, group or community. Programmer or Service Programming systems should be supported enough experience. Not only must understand in detail about how developing your a system, but also must be able to animate the system
· Profession of a Programmer can be grouped into several areas as follows:

Programmers are individuals who served in terms of implementation details, packaging, and modification of algorithms and data structures, written in a particular programming language. Job Description:

o Write a program (coding) by using programming
o Understand the concept of databases.
o Able to operate a database application.
o Conduct testing of application programs.
o Conduct an analysis of the application program.
o Conduct research, design, documentation and modifications to the application software.
o Perform analysis and repair the damage (errors) in software with precise and accurate manner
o Provide status reports required application.
ØDatabase Programmer
Programmers who mastered the design and database programming using Application Server OR Ms.Sql Ms.Access and PL / SQL and Oracle Forms Developer 10g.
Ø Web Programmer
Programmer web master HTML-based web application development and web-based application OR ASP.Net HTML and J2EE and Struts Framework is a web-based application OR MySQL and PHP.
Ø Multimedia Programmer
Multimedia programmer who mastered the use of technology and multimedia-based application development.
Ø Embedded Programmer

Programmers who mastered the system microprocessor architecture, interfacing and programming embedded.
· Code Programmer

o A programmer should not write code that is hard to follow deliberately.
o A programmer should not be written documentation on purpose to confuse or inaccurate.
o A programmer should not be reusing code by copyright unless it has purchased or been asked for permission.
o They should not seek additional benefits from projects funded by both parties without permission.
· Skills Should Include A Programmer

oMembaca source code of a program, from simple to relatively complex, is a skill that must be owned by a programmer.
oImplementasi an algorithm that modifies a form of data structures in a program can be adapted into a program of our own making with context and data structures are completely different
omplementasi an algorithm that modifies a form of data structures in a program can be adapted into a program of our own making with context and data structures are completely different
· Liability Programmer

oMemahami basic concepts of operating systems. Most of Indonesia typically programmers create applications on top of the operating system, so many argue that it is not necessary to understand the workings of operating systems
oMemahami basic concepts of networking. An application can not walk alone. The application must be related to the Internet, serving many users
oMemahami basic concepts of relational databases. Each application must have a database in data storage for the programmer specifically emphasized Database Programmer master relational database.
oLebih from one programming language. Understanding more than one language it is important that the programmer insight into more open.
· Attitudes Against Client Programmer

oMempunyai good attitude & personality, communicative, adaptable to working environment, agile & flexible.
oMampu oriented work schedules, project manage multiple jobs and work together as a team.
oMembuat contracts with clients.
oMenyukai and understand the basics of programming.
I take the example of a job in IT field in professional programmer, because the profession is currently the most popular profession in Indonesia (viewable on What IT Professionals Hot in Indonesia). Now we are one by one surgical professional requirements are:

Experienced in using Java technology for web-based application
Programming skills in J2EE and JSP 1.3 or later

Judging from these two requirements the concept of web-based application in Java programming is located in the newest version of the current J2EE JEE6. Any part of the JEE JSP so that two requirements must be controlled by software engineer java or Java programmer.

Knowledge in MVC design concept.
Knowledge in Frameworks and components: Struts, iBATIS and Hibernate.

Two of the above requirements between the framework and the MVC for now this should be controlled by Java programmers to simplify the software development with Model-View-Controller which are parts of the work of a software in a team.

Database programming skills (PL / SQL) with RDBMS systems.
Reports development skills with reporting tools: Crystal Reports and Jasper Report Will be a plus

A programmer must also be able to master database for data storage and reporting needs of the company. Although Java can be used Crystal Report is usually the equivalent of a Java program to the database or the Jasper Report iReport, because Crystal Reports is used by a VB program.

Experiences in application development using the IDE: Eclipse
Experiences with CVS for code versioning and software configuration management Will be a plus.

Experience using an IDE Interface Development Environment that is where the writing source code using a visual platform making it easier for programmers to create programs. Experience with CVS for her concurency a version of the program.

Experiences with the Java Application Server Tomcat and JBoss software Will be a plus.

The use of web-based Java programs do have to know, understand and can use server applications like apache with PHPnya. Similarly, Java programmers with Tomcat or JBoss her.

Requirements given from the company deserved to be mastered by a Java programmer. Final words to be entered in a qualifying good job in the IT field as well as in other fields, we also have to always hone the skills needed

The comparison:

In my opinion, standard IT profession in Indonesia is still far behind with professional standards in some developed countries. For example in the Americas. Value specifications requested on a job in developed countries more in line with the profession and the salary being offered compared to our country.

Value specifications to prospective IT professionals in developed countries, really have to be experts in the field of IT. Not only the value of the requested Hardskill, also greatly affects the value of soft skill to be able to take the profession. Then, the old pegalaman the requested work in developed countries is longer than in our country.

This is done in order to get the HR can really start work on offer. And in order to obtain human resources could actually be responsible da disiplin.Di developed countries, more equitable system of recruitment compared to here. Here (our country), who wants to work should have a 3D (Duit, Dekking (people in), or Shaman). Therefore I hope it can be changed immediately, and soon our country into the developed world too!

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