

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

The Only Programing Programing

So far, we are always jammed to share programming techniques "advanced". So much so that we eventually forget what the real essence of sophisticated programming techniques are swallowed oceans methodology.

Take for example the most popular is about OOP (Object Oriented Programming) ... all agree this is better than procedural, and rightly so ... but have we ever think what makes it better? Re-usable? Is not procedural library that could also have dicall, mean re-usable as well? Inheritance? Ok ... but why? Is it because the code is less? Is the difference that only a few lines of code, and in many cases only a few characters, can be called a better programming technique? Whether because it can reduce the bug? Ok can reduce bugs ... but why could reduce the bug?

With this thread I try to invite the lovers of programming to return to things that are most simple and essential first, so we are not getting swallowed up by blah blah unfounded that eventually tends to be a myth, and can answer all the questions above with REAL EXAMPLE. Not with the buzz of the abstract is not clear about encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism ...

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