

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

The inventor of the Macintosh OS

Knowing Steve Jobs inventor APPLE (Macintosh)Apple became the company's dream again. Steve Jobs, Apple's founder and current leader, into the spotlight again. Who is he? Why him? In a mailing list discussion, "why should Steve Jobs?" This paper is intended to provide an overview of who Steve Jobs is.(I wanted to make a special book about Steve Jobs. I know it's been a lot of books about him, but no one has written in Bahasa Indonesian and see him from another point of view.) Of course this paper using my glasses, as one admirer Steve Jobs.What other than Steve Jobs? Are not many other innovators? I think the thing that makes Steve Jobs from other is that he has a high taste in art and he has a perfectionist nature.Second thing is that a driver of a Steve Jobs.
TasteDifferences Steve Jobs from other innovators are on the taste of arts. In an interview on the PBS documentary entitled "The Triumph ofthe Nerds" he said that he had no problem with the success of Microsoft. "The problem is, They do not have taste," he said. That he was the difference. So we can see the difference with Apple Microsoft products.

In an interview with Andy Hertzfeld (one of the original developers of the Macintosh) in NerdTV, Andy tells us that Steve Jobs was not feeling with these words. Then Steve called Bill Gates. "Sorry, I said it on TV. I should not say it on TV. "Then he continued," but, it's true you have no taste! "Ha ha ha. Then Steve Jobs and Bill Gates arguing about it. Bill Gates said that although he has no taste, it does not mean Microsoft has no taste. (So ​​Bill Gates claimed to have no taste?)Madness Steve Jobs with a good design is reflected in the products he produced since the days of Apple computers] [, then to the Macintosh (although there rame story behind it), to the NeXT computer with NeXTstep OS, the iPod, and ... oh not continue forever. Apple] [was the first computer that has a form factor designed for consumer products. Ever, the computer is only made in the box only. Then we see that the form of NeXT computer cube (cube) with a monitor that has a thin footwear. Similarly, the iPod is seamless. All the design shows its simplicity (simplicity). (See the reference section of the presentation style difference between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.)Oh yes, I have an Apple] [original, never using a NeXT computer at work (which is why I know the World Wide Web since Tim Berners-Lee - the inventor of the WWW and HTML - also using a NeXT computer), I also have a iBook G4 with Mac OS X. I have not yet have is an iPod (and maybe G5?)I believe that Steve Jobs will delight art has been there since she was born, but there is a way of life that made him so. In the "commencement speech" at Stanford University in 2005 (transkripada here, the audio file here), Steve Jobs described the experience of his life. One is the experience he dropped out of school. Reed College, where he was the first school, is one of the best schools in the field of calligraphy in the United States. Since there is no work, then Steve Jobs follow this calligraphy class. (Do not know if he is enrolled or just follow it.) She learned about serif and sans-serif typeface, spacing between characters, and the things that make beautiful typography. This is affecting him when he makes a Macintosh computer, the first computer that has a beautiful typography. If only he did not take a calligraphy class (and maybe if he did not drop out) then maybe we will not have a computer that has a beautiful view. My point, Steve Jobs is like beauty.PerfectionistAh. This aspect of Steve Jobs, who made him loved and hated by the people at the same time. Steve Jobs does not allow you to stop working if the results are not in accordance with her wishes. Let tomorrow like Eid or Christmas, if not finished, then you are not allowed to go home! If the work (the program) you are not in accordance with the standards he wants, then you have to rewrite. No matter that you think your work is great and you've already spent three months to create the program.People wonder why Apple users have a love close to their products. Never insult a fan of Apple products in front of Apple? I could have you thrown to the clogs. How does the emergence of the sense of love is this? Except for upscale cars, we rarely see this. I've never seen anyone so his love for brother typewriter so that everywhere he's proud of.Steve Jobs said that if we make a product with a passion, then the user can feel the product is the spirit. Then he demanded it from the developer.

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