

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Know the Java Programming Language

History of JavaJava pioneered by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank and Mike Sheridan of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. They require approximately 18 months to make the first version. This language was initially called "Oak" but later changed to "Java" in 1995 because the name Oak has been used as a copyright and are used as other programming languages. Between the manufacture of Oak in the fall of 1992 to be announced to the public in the spring of 1995, many people involved in the design and evolution of this language. Bill Joy, Arthur van Hoff, Jonathan Payne, Frank Yellin, and Tim Lindholm is a key contributor to finalize the original prototype.Modern JavaJava has been used in many ways and has proved its existence in the 21st century.Currently, Java is used various types of applications such as embedded applications, financial applications, desktop, flight simulation, image processing, games, distributed enterprise applications called the J2EE and much more.Java Virtual Machine (JVM)Java Virtual Machine is a simple application written in C language for mengeksi programs written in Java language. At the time of compilation (the change from high-level language into a lower language), the program was changed to CODE BYTE.Then during execution, the JVM byte code tersebu read and convert it into machine language understood by the operating system where the program is run.Because the JVM is very dependent on the platform (machine language is a low-level languages ​​are only understood by a particular machine, such as Intel, but can not be understood by another machine, such as Macintosh), this byte code can be made for free from the confines of a particular platform. Byte code generated in the process of compiling the Java language will always be the same for every operating system or type of engine, but will change the JVM byte code into machine language goals.Just In Time Compiler (JIT)Although Java was designed to be interpreted, technically nothing is blocking the Java is compiled into machine language like other programming languages. Sun provides compilers Just In Time Compiler (JIT) to compile the byte code into machine language at the same time with the execution. However, the JIT approach resulted in a greater ability than the usual interpretation.

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