

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Troubleshooting tips to be a programmer

Being a programmer is a desire in the desire by students taking computer-related majors such as Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Management.But so far if you know how someone could be a good writing program. Maybe in this post will be describe some of these tips.
1. At first, half pertamalah the determinant, which is the milestone of all the thinking and logic of the program was designed. This Disemester you would not want to like the course Logic & Algorithms, or Algorithm & Programming. Indeed, at a meeting 1, 2, etc., may seem strange, how can the images are set into a programming language. But if you think more deeply, by studying the images (flowchart) we actually learn an understanding of the course of a program.
2. Master the logic IF (Selection) and WHILE (Looping), is a very important part of all the existing material. Karna from 100% program, this section is the most ever.
3. Give time to ask questions, learn at home, read many books especially books that relate to Programming in Pascal and C, because usually Algorithms & Programming / Logic algorithm implemented with the programming language.
4. If there is spare time, follow these instructions to ask for permission to enter the lab with the teacher concerned with bringing a book PASCAL / C and type exercise programs contained in the book and understand it for what the program uses.
5. Imagination, it is very important for example if you type the program contained in the book, you try to modify the existing program. Add another command, yes ... Creative dong.
6. Do the stages to 4 above, if necessary, until the second semester. Until you study the graph of Pascal itself.
7. Programming is the first love, it means you give your time and thoughts to the program you want to learn.
8. No time was without language there is a saying programing.because REVIEW CURRENT KARNA BIASO, meaning you want to program, but look at the program wrote 15 minutes in 24 Hours-nonsense. so how in Every Time you type just the program.
9. After all the above stages you went through, maybe there will be a GOOD FEELINGS are not, that is: There will be EASY if a program has not been solved the problem. well if you start to reach this stage, then just follow those feelings, and finish the problem about the program you created.
10. Learn all existing programming languages, because there is no harm, like a playboy dating several women at once, after knowing the advantages and disadvantages of women in kencan date, then choose one of the ada.Jadi then you'll choose what language you ahold later.

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