

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Programming Languages

Programming language, or often termed also with computer languages, is the technique of command / instruction standards to govern the computer. This programming language is a set of rules of syntax and semantics used to define computer programs. This language allows a programmer can specify exactly which data to be processed by the computer, how this data will be stored / transmitted, and precisely what kind of steps to be taken in various situations.
According to the proximity to the engine computer, programming language consists of:

     Machine language, that is to give instructions to the computer using binary language code, for example, 01100101100110
     Low level languages​​, or known as assembly language (bah.Inggris Assembly), which gives orders to the computer using a short code (mnemonic codes), eg MOV, SUB, CMP, JMP, JGE, JL, LOOP, etc..
     Language Intermediate, which is a computer language that uses a mixture of instruction in the words of human language (see example Language High Level below) and instructions that are symbolic, ie {,},?, <<,>>, & &, | |, etc..
     High level language, which is a computer language that uses elements of the instruction comes from the words of human language, for example, begin, end, if, for, while, and, or, etc..

Most programming languages ​​are classified as High Level Language, only the C language are classified as Middle Level Language and Assembly Language Level is Low.

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