

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

5 Steps to Become a Programmer Entrepreneur

Programming is a fundamental capability that is required to have a computer programmerdan computing student. IEEE Computing in 2005, coding skills and develop the software becomes the central point, which touched all computing majors, both Computer Science (CS), Software Engineering (SE), Information Systems (IS), Information Technology (IT) or Computer Engineering (CE ). Student computing without coding, like salt without saltiness Struggle to achieve freedom of lines of code, bringing the sense that we do not stress see 1000 lines of code a program. And also, should not be admitted to the hospital got typhoid, if you have 10,000 lines of code staring at your question very often comes to me from students majoring in computing is, how to be good at coding? My answer, no tricks just 5, that is: practice, practice, practice, practice and practice
Rest assured that the college is not enough. And do not ever complain, O students, because not only in Indonesia, a student outside negeripun still would not be good at coding, if only rely on hours of programming courses. I also used to have to go out various software houses in Japan and was even 6 years part time in game company Activision, so I can spread and pinned on a variety of theories and concepts of programming to the fingertips, the skin and my brain.
Do a paradigm shift in our behavior. Plug into our minds the deepest, that web-browsing activity is not only the event click on the URL at random, distraction activities, for fun or activities in his spare time. Accessing the Internet is an investment. The seconds of time that we use to nginternet, will be converted in dollars at the moment we exit the cafe or closing our internet connection. Take advantage of browsing activity for a lot of learning and researching. When visiting, do not just stunned with the position ranking,, or, but try to visit the Internet while collecting data Indonesia. Rangkumkan data in the form of tables, categorizing, though, and analysis by various statistical techniques. Take advantage of the various forums that betebaran in the virtual world to learn, how to develop software and games that we can sell, or do business on the Internet. When we use facebook and myspace applications, point shock our brains to think of what genre of applications and games that are currently nge-trend in facebook or friendster. Learn the advantages and disadvantages.
Use a variety of data and analysis that we get when browsing to start little by little build virtual creativity. Remember that these products do not directly become legendary big, it needs a long process. WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg's, also started the street legend with something very basic, because you want to learn PHP. Jerry Yang, finally menseriusi business search engine, mesekipun activity begins with collecting URL links. Likewise with the Mozilla Firefoxnya Blake Ross, Mark Zuckerberg to his Facebook, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley with her Youtube, eBay's Pierre Omidyar with him, and Tom Anderson with his MySpace. Coding capability will accelerate the process of implementation of the idea, which we formulate the results of our analysis and research on the trend of web services. I built my home does not actually IlmuKomputer.Com also up, but starting from the learning and researching about services for students who really could be a solution for students. I started from a survey to hundreds of mailing lists and forums. Including finding valid data, who is actually a large population of Internet users at the time.
Virtual tremendous creativity and use of advanced technology, is nothing if not introduced to the public. Therefore we need to practice our writing skills, we can start by using blogs. The programmer who incidentally is a specialist, sued the future capable versatilist, who can offer themselves and their ability to sell well. Aka blogging blogging as well so that maknyus way to personal branding through cyberspace. Today personal branding through blogging is the way a very fast and effective, even more than personal branding through the newspaper and print media. Indonesia's Internet users reached 25 million, may be lost only by TV. And I'm sure, not all of us have excess money to do a narcissistic activity through 30-second ads on TV, which totaled hundreds of millions of dollars. Again, personal branding through blogging is way more effective, efficient, real alias inefficient. I then go down this path to introduce ourselves, IlmuKomputer.Com and also a business that I created as Brainmatics.Com.
5. BE AN entrepreneur!
When conditions are established, and already many who contact us for cooperation to develop various projects and activities. Start thinking entrepreneurs to enter the formal path through the business in a more tangible form. Set up a PT or CV, office rent, take the kids nan bright young militants to join us. Do not forget to bring them up properly and wisely. Give them the opportunity to develop themselves and Adding Sciences. Give scholarships to attend school if the employee is deemed outstanding. Give them confidence, began to delegate authority and duties, and never assume that all we have to do yourself.
I also assisted the Pejuan-Young Fighters in conducting activities in cyberspace and business. Interesting if sometime try to stop by the headquarters, which as well as offices in the Tower Bidakara Brainmatics.Com. There Mansyur, Training Manager, we are nimble and jaim. Acun Mansyur alias is actually 20 years old and sitting in the third semester of college S1. But amazing, because the company billions of turnover generated from cold hands. There Mulyana, the Technical Manager of an intelligent but cold, plus tend to be psychopaths. Currently only 19 years old, had not even graduated from high school and have exams this April. There is another Eman, the Financial Manager, we, the owner of 3.8 GPA, who is always cool and fragrant little bit jablai although this also was only 20 years old. Adalagi Tanto, who became our eLearning projects in PJ Merpati Airlines, men loyal to good eating is also not married
Greet the pedjoeangku this, and invite them to discuss. I'm sure no one can beat this pelangiku army in the quantity and quality of work. They get up before the others wake up and go to sleep after the others slept. And cintapun can not kill them, make the most cuman diem ajah 3 days 3 nights lol. They know that getting an education is the struggle, and live off the sweat itself is a pride. The pedjoeangku is still too young and maybe poor science, because it teach them science. But learn from them the nature of the struggle and ask for a treasure map harun to them ... that is a road map of the legends of love.
O youth, do not ever want to be a loser, berebutlah to become a legend. I want you to know, the way the legend was wide open, for anyone who want to try and berdjoeang. And not everyone who has the ability to be a legend, because a legend is a choice, not because of ability.

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