

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Troubleshooting tips to be a programmer

Being a programmer is a desire in the desire by students taking computer-related majors such as Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Management.But so far if you know how someone could be a good writing program. Maybe in this post will be describe some of these tips.
1. At first, half pertamalah the determinant, which is the milestone of all the thinking and logic of the program was designed. This Disemester you would not want to like the course Logic & Algorithms, or Algorithm & Programming. Indeed, at a meeting 1, 2, etc., may seem strange, how can the images are set into a programming language. But if you think more deeply, by studying the images (flowchart) we actually learn an understanding of the course of a program.
2. Master the logic IF (Selection) and WHILE (Looping), is a very important part of all the existing material. Karna from 100% program, this section is the most ever.
3. Give time to ask questions, learn at home, read many books especially books that relate to Programming in Pascal and C, because usually Algorithms & Programming / Logic algorithm implemented with the programming language.
4. If there is spare time, follow these instructions to ask for permission to enter the lab with the teacher concerned with bringing a book PASCAL / C and type exercise programs contained in the book and understand it for what the program uses.
5. Imagination, it is very important for example if you type the program contained in the book, you try to modify the existing program. Add another command, yes ... Creative dong.
6. Do the stages to 4 above, if necessary, until the second semester. Until you study the graph of Pascal itself.
7. Programming is the first love, it means you give your time and thoughts to the program you want to learn.
8. No time was without language there is a saying programing.because REVIEW CURRENT KARNA BIASO, meaning you want to program, but look at the program wrote 15 minutes in 24 Hours-nonsense. so how in Every Time you type just the program.
9. After all the above stages you went through, maybe there will be a GOOD FEELINGS are not, that is: There will be EASY if a program has not been solved the problem. well if you start to reach this stage, then just follow those feelings, and finish the problem about the program you created.
10. Learn all existing programming languages, because there is no harm, like a playboy dating several women at once, after knowing the advantages and disadvantages of women in kencan date, then choose one of the ada.Jadi then you'll choose what language you ahold later.

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Programming Languages

Programming language, or often termed also with computer languages, is the technique of command / instruction standards to govern the computer. This programming language is a set of rules of syntax and semantics used to define computer programs. This language allows a programmer can specify exactly which data to be processed by the computer, how this data will be stored / transmitted, and precisely what kind of steps to be taken in various situations.
According to the proximity to the engine computer, programming language consists of:

     Machine language, that is to give instructions to the computer using binary language code, for example, 01100101100110
     Low level languages​​, or known as assembly language (bah.Inggris Assembly), which gives orders to the computer using a short code (mnemonic codes), eg MOV, SUB, CMP, JMP, JGE, JL, LOOP, etc..
     Language Intermediate, which is a computer language that uses a mixture of instruction in the words of human language (see example Language High Level below) and instructions that are symbolic, ie {,},?, <<,>>, & &, | |, etc..
     High level language, which is a computer language that uses elements of the instruction comes from the words of human language, for example, begin, end, if, for, while, and, or, etc..

Most programming languages ​​are classified as High Level Language, only the C language are classified as Middle Level Language and Assembly Language Level is Low.

Founder Of Adobe

Starting from a river that flows behind the name of his own house, John Warnock obtain an appropriate name for the company he founded, none other than the company Adobe which is oriented on the graphics and publishing software company. John became president at Adobe for 2 years and became CEO for 6 years. people get to know sebgai Computer Scientist who founded Adobe along with Charles Geschke John himself has a name stands for John Edward Warnock, he was born on 6 October 1940 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
In 1976, when Warnock worked at Evans & Sutherland, Salt Lake city center computer graphics company, the concept of increasing the PostScript language. Adobe untukmendirikan priority, along with Geschke and Putman, John worked with Geschke at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox PARC). Geschke and John along with Putman finally decided to get out of the Xerox Research Center to begin setting up Adobe in 1982 at their new company to develop technologi which is equivalent to PostScript from scratch, and brought to be sold to Apple's LaserWriter in 1984.
In 1969 he made his thesis for a doctorate, John found the Warnock algorithm for hidden surface determination in computer graphics. This section works with a scene repeated until the area is generated and counted is also trivial to solve the problem of rendering complex images with simple enough to avoid masalah.Jika scene to be calculated and then rendered the opposite scene is divided into smaller parts and reprocessed, confusing .. : (Sama..
In the spring of 1991, Warnock describes a system called "Camelot",which evolved into "Portable Document Format (PDF) which is a file-format that we know today. The purpose Camelot effectively capture documents from any application, send electronic versions of the document-the document anywhere, and view this document on the machine prints anywhere ". Warnock's ponder, and to imagine if the IPS (PostScript Interchange)also equip the audience with text searching capabilities. In this issueusers can find all the documents teridiri of several words or phrases,and then see the word or phrase in the context of the document, Wow Cool ...:)all knowledge can be archived in electronic form ....
And in 2003, Warnock and his wife donated 200,000 shares of Adobe Systemsworth over from 5.7 Million dollars to build their machine factory.John E. machinery factory and his wife Marva M. Warnock was completed in 2007and houses the University of Utah College of Engineering.
Education which has taken John, among others, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Philosophy, a Master of Science in Mathematics, a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (Computer Science), and an honorary degree in Science, all that he received a degree from the University of Utah. At first he got the name from the name of the river Adobe behind his house, the river is named Adobe Creek

Adobe Photoshop Inventor

Because the writers love to use image processing called Adobe Photoshop. So I wanted to write a little summary of the author. When running the program Adobe Photoshop definitely come across her name. Let's get acquainted with the makers of Adobe Photoshop image processing software.
Thomas Knoll
Sacrifice study for photoshop
It began in 1987 when Thomas Knoll, a doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan, United States (U.S.), buy 'Apple Mac Plus' latest work to support his thesis. He was surprised when he bought the computer was not capable of displaying high quality color images on grayscale monochrome monitor. Then with the style of a hacker, Thomas ventured to make my own code to correct these deficiencies.
Assisted by his brother, John Knoll, Thomas was ready for action. Experience in an Oscar in 1989 (best visual effects category in the movie 'The Abyss'), as well as participation in the movie 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek', to convince Thomas to be able to change the computer. He believes that the software is being made is very similar to those used at ILM (Industrial Light & Magic), where John worked. Since then Thomas began seriously developing his first software image, which is then born with the name "Display".
For more serious work on the program, Thomas took a six-month study leave and invited John to work together to sell this in a more professional applications. In the process, they encounter various challenges winding. One of the most painful is when their works are considered not to sell. However, the Knoll brothers never broke. They even managed to develop an innovative method later known as 'plug-ins'. Precisely a feature to align the 'tones', 'hue & saturation', as well as some other pictures of balance control.

It's him:

The Birth Debut Adobe Photoshop
When developing the "Display" getting better, the result would appear with the name "ImagePro". Finally, in 1988, the company scanner Barneyscan interested to buy it as software built scanners. Well, that's when the name of Photoshop was born. But unfortunately, this young Photoshop only made 200 copies only, so not known to the public at large. Do not want to be contented hearts, they then tried to seek his fortune in the famous industrial park, 'Silicon Valley'.
Step by step, fortunes began to take sides. They successfully demonstrated the superiority Photoshop program to Apple Computer Inc. and Adobe. As a result, the Adobe smitten and immediately bought the license program. Then the parties agreed to Adobe released Adobe Photoshop 1.0 in February 1990. The program is a capacity equal to a bit of a floppy disk (1.4 Mb) which can only be operated for air-platform Macintosh computers.
Penetrated into Windows
After that Adobe Photoshop began recording history to become one of the masterpieces in the world of information technology. Next, Adobe Photoshop 2.0 was released in June 1991 which again can only be operated under the Macintosh platform. Along with its development, Windows judged begin to dominate the computer market. Then in 1992 was launched Adobe Photoshop Version 2.5, the first time can be operated to Windows.
In November 1993, re-launched version 2.5.1 but this time Windows is not included. New in Version 3.0 in 1994 relaunched for Macintosh & Windows. Similarly, version 4.0 (1996), version 4.0.1 (1997), version 5.0 (1998), version 5.0.1 (1999), version 5.5 (1999), version 6.0 (2000), version 6.0.1 (2001) , version 7 (2002), version 7.0.1 (2002). 8.0/CS version (2003), followed by CS 2 (2005), CS 3 (2007), CS 4 (2008), and most recently the CS5 (2010).
Today Thomas and John Knoll worked at Adobe. If you look, their names are always displayed when you open the software application Adobe Photoshop. While continuing to develop Photoshop, John was preoccupied with his profession as a Visual Effects Supervisor at ILM. Some well-known science fiction films ever dealt with John, among others

2009 Avatars 

2009 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
 2009 Confessions of a ShopaholicSpeed ​​Racer
20082007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
 2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
 2005 Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
 2002 Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones 
2000 Mission to Mars
 1999 Deep Blue Sea
 1999 Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 
1996 Star Trek: First Contact
 1996 Mission: Impossible
 1994 Star Trek Generations
 1994 Baby's Day Out
 1991 Hudson Hawk
 1991 Hook 
1990 The Hunt for Red October 
1989 The Abyss
 1988 WillowInnerspace
19871987 Empire of the Sun 
1987 Star Trek: The Next Generation
 1986 Star Trek IV: The Voyage HomeCaptain EO 1986

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

Inventor Computer

First inventor Charles Babbage was an expert in mathematics in 1822, but subsequent developments can not be separated from the services of the inventors of the next generation.
Who are the next inventor of them are:>>>>
Charles Babbage in 1822, with a brilliant idea mendciptakan a tool that can help humans in performing complex calculations. The engine is not finished today in the London Museum of Science. From the computer where the embryo begins.
In 1937 Dr. John V Atanasoff and Clifford Berry designed the first electronic digital computer. With the name of ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer). ABC can only calculate plus and less.
1943 During World War 2, British scientist named Alan Turing designed a special electronic computer for the British army. Used to penetrate the German defenses code.
In 1944 Howard Hathaway Aiken (american) made Mark I. A computer that created the first digital count. Has a 7.45 feet wide x 50 feet, weighed 35 tons. Mark I can be used to calculate probabilities.
In 1945 Dr. John von Neumann writes data storage concepts. It was still in the form of ideas.
In 1946 Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, jr. completing the first large-scale computer, named ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). The world knows these two men as DETECTION COMPUTER.
ENIAC weighed 30 tons, made up of 18,000 light tube (transistor size), has an area 30 feet x 50 feet, using 160,000 watts of power. The first time the computer is turned on, the entire electricity network in Philadelphia sudden death.
ENIAC could calculate not only added less time for, but can also be programmed to perform a simple process. Compared to Mark I can only calculate, can be seen that the ENIAC was the world's first computer.
In 1947 the first transistor was invented by William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. Since the transistor is found, the size of computers has narrowed ..
From the history above, it is known that the inventor of the computer (not a calculator) is Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, jr ..
So Inventor Computer First answer is: Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, jr ..
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