

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Producers Angry Birds Want to Go Public

Entertainment Rovio game creators 'Angry Birds' is in talks to receive an injection of funds comes from investors about U.S. $ 1.2 billionAllegedly Electronic ArtsZynga,News Corp.and Disney is the investor.

Excerpted from The TelegraphAugust 20, 2011Michael PachterManaging Director of Wedbush Securities Research presented his views if these investors hadinvested their funds in the game 'Angry Birds'.

"see how Disney would pick up the 'Angry Birds' and turn it into a playground andmoviesand Zynga can take 'Angry Birds' and makes it like Farmville," said Pachter.

For information, in MarchRovio received an injection of funds amounting to U.S. $ 42billion from AtomicoNiklas Zennstrom's, the founders of Skype as well as fromcorporate sponsorship FacebookAccel Partners.

Mikael HedRovio leadership said it wanted the company to go public within the next few years"We might want to be in stockwhich would probably mean the Nasdaqstock market will be us," he said.

Angry Birds is a game of precision shooting a variety of birdsThis game has beendownloaded more than 300 billion times since its launch in 2009and is one of the most successful smartphone applications of all time.

Originally released for the iPhoneRovio has added a version for Android and Nokia,as well as PCs and MacsThe birds are very famous angry and has been converted into a variety of permainananrefrigerator magnets and even clothing.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Types of Programming Languages

1. LANGUAGE C 1.1 History Language C The root of the C language is the language BCPL, developed by "Grandpa" Martin Richar in 1967. This language gives an idea to the "oom" Ken Thompson, who later mengembahngkan language that referred to language B in 1970. Further development of language B is a C language by the "Bang" denies Ricthie around in the 1970s at Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc. (Now is the AT & T Bell Laboratories).C language was first used in digital computer equipment Corportaion PDP-11 using the UNIX operating system.
Popularity of the C language emang udah sold boiled peanuts are rich, make versions of this language a lot made for microcomputer. To create the standard versions, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) to make committee sualtu (ANSI Committee X3J11) in 1983 which then sets the ANSI standard for C languageANSI standards are based off of an extended standard UNIX.
ANSI leaning set of 32 pieces of key words standard. C language is not an OOP (Object Oriented Programming), Stripping Language, and Visual programming. Quote diibaratin human ama ni C language also has weaknesses as lack of .....
1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages Pros: Ø C language is available in almost all types of computers C language is a computer language koputer yag available in both micro as well as on large computers (mainframe computer).
Ø C language code is the portable nature Applications written in C language for a particular computer can be used on another computer with just a little modification.
Ø The C language provides only few keywords. We already know that the ANSI standard C language only requires a total of 32 key words and key turbo only provides 39 key words. Let a comparison with other languages ​​that emang nyediain hundreds of key words. The fewer the keywords used by a language, the easier for the wearer to make the same ngegunain learn the language.
Ø C language program executable process faster Because the C language emang philosoli nyediain just a little key words, then the consequences of the program can compile C language dibmasing respective ilang be relatively faster process compared with results from other languages.
Ø Support the many libraries It was mentioned that the reliability of the C language functions within libraries. Library functions are provided by the C language versions of each Msing or can be purchased from other sources. Thousands of C library functions have been available on the market today, ranging from library functions simple to complex, such as libraries that function is to create an index of the database file using B + tree is used in dBASE.
Ø C is a structured language The C language has a good structure so it is easy to understand. C disubut with a structured language because it uses functions as program-part program. C language structures that will either, but easy to learn, also facilitate in making the program, facilitate the tracking error menghasailkan aka da program a good program documentation.

Disadvantages: Ø The number of operators as well as the flexibility of writing programs is sometimes confusing users.
Ø For beginners in general will be trouble using pointers
1.3 C Language Application

Ø The C language was first used in Computer Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11 using the UNIX operating system
Ø C language is also used to compile the Linux operating
Ø Many popular programming languages ​​such as PHP and Java using the basic syntax similar to C language
Example program: # Include # Include void main () long int D; unsign long int Start, B;
clrscr (); printf ("Enter Integer Value?"); scanf ("% 1d, & D");
printf ("\ n"); printf ("binary value:"); start = pow (2, sizeof (D) * 8-1); for (B = Start; B> 0; B = B / 2)

if (D & B) == B) printf ("1"); else printf ("0"); printf ("\ n"); printf ("Value Heksadesimalnya =% 1x \ n", D) }
2. C + + 1.1 History Starting in early 1980, Bjarne Stroustrup of AT & T Bell Laboratories began to develop the language C. In 1985, officially a new language born of the development of C known as the C + +. Actually C + + language has two stages of evolution. C + + The first, released by AT & T Laboratories, named cfront. C + + only version of this ancient form of compilers that translate C + + into C language
In subsequent evolution, Borland International Inc.. C + + compiler developed into a compiler capable of converting C + + directly into machine language (assembly).Since this evolution, starting in 1990 C + + into object-oriented language that is used by most professional programmers.
2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages C + + that's basically the C language is also, well the main C capability that is like: Ø able to access the computer hardware components with a syntax that is more humane than its Standard Assembly language. Ø ANSI can be used across all the major Ø speed of the program when compared with the same program made in other languages, relatively faster ...
Naaah ,,,,, excess of C + + includes all the advantages of C but with extras such as a primary treatment complexity with OOP
Disadvantages: One disadvantage is the lack of C + + library built in, so that for certain processes we have to create a program Nearly built from scratch, or from the base once. What's more C + + language today is less so popular because we are still thinking about the programming of the machines rather than thinking probis (business processes) that should be our goal.
2.3 C + + Applications Ø As a programming language in Windows, UNIX, Linux. Ø Visual C + + can be made any application such as databases. Ø Language for manufacturing operation systems, games, system control, making the application Ø To create a new language or create a new language compiler Ø To write component files and libraries of other languages Example program: # Include int main () int n; court <<"Enter the starting number>"; cin>> n;
while (n> 0) { court <<> 8 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, FIRE!

3. JAVA 3.1 History Java was released in 1990 as a programming language called Oak, The Sun MycroSystem set up a working group made up of a reliable programmer to create new products and expand market Sun.Oak was first designed for personal digital assistance called * 7 which will be marketed Sun with a Graphical User Interface facilities.
Apparently * 7 was never marketed and coincidentally Sun formed a company called FirstPerson to develop * 7 in the form of TV set-top boxes for interactive television.Because competition is so tight end prospect of interactive TV to decline and eventually Oak is not sold in the market. However, since FirstPerson and Oak failure sprang the Internet pioneers, especially the World Wide Web such as Netscape to start making software that allows the connection between the Internet with the WWW.Sun finally realized that Oak has a great chance to create an access to the Web world. Not long after Oak was launched on the Internet with a new name, namely Java.
Today Java is still in early stages of development and has begun to influence the direction of computer programming and Java programming internet.Bahasa released for free on the internet and give full license to Sun's Java implementation, and all its components to be used in a variety of software vendors with the hope that the Internet can create a standard for web programming.
Java is a pure object-oriented programming language that is based on capabilities of programming languages ​​best before the object (C + +, Ada, Simula).
3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages Pros: Ø Simple and Powerful We can learn to program with Java quickly if you already understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming is only necessary to understand some concepts to be able to write a satisfactory program. Java does not have things that are surprising and strange. Unlike other programming language that offers dozens of ways to do one job retention, but all it takes precision and a high level of complexity.
Ø Safe Most security issues, especially networking applications Internet generated from the old system because the system was not designed with the concept of Internet security. One of the key design principles of Java is safety and security. Java never had the facilities and security are not safe to be addressed specifically for security.Therefore, Java programs can not call functions globally and gain access to various sources in the system because there are a number of supervision carried out by a Java program that can not be performed by another system.
Ø Object Oriented Java is not derived any programming language, is also completely incompatible with everything. This is because of freedom in the design of the chosen approach is obviously useful, and pragmatic. Java object module is simple and easy to develop but in line with that, numbers and other simple data types are considered as non-high-performance object. Most other object-oriented system to choose a rigid hierarchy of objects and unruly or choose to use a dynamic object model that does not have high performance and completeness. Java once again have a balance that provides a mechanism-class lawyer's simple with an intuitive dynamic interface model only when necessary. Understanding object-oriented programming style is very important and helps to learn how to program with Java.
Disadvantages: Ø Java has a speed of less than C + + language
Ø Implementation of J2ME is not global. For example, J2ME for Motorola with J2ME for Sony Ericson is not the same. J2ME is different again to Nokia. Each product always has a separate module which was considered odd and its application must be compiled with different modules.
Ø Java takes a lot of computer memory
Ø Java is a complex and difficult language to learn
Ø The program created by this language more slowly than programs created with other languages ​​like C or C + +.
3.3 Java Applications
Ø Network Programming
Ø Creating Windows-based applications
Ø Program to create a web
Example sitaks repetition or looping on the Java language using the While:
Writing Method: while (condition) statements; Example: while (count <= 10) { System.out.println ("count not over 10"); }

Basic 4.Visual 4.1 History "Uncle" Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, started the business software industry by developing a Basic language interpreter for the Altair 8800, and then he changed to run on IBM PC with DOS operating system. The next development was the launch of BASICA (basic-advanced) for DOS. After BASICA, Microsoft launched Microsoft QuickBasic and Microsoft Basic (also known as Basic Compiler). The history of Microsoft BASIC on hand as an interpreted language (BASICA) and also a compiled language (BASCOM) makes Visual Basic is implemented as a combination of both. Programmers who use Visual Basic can choose the compiled code or code that must be interpreted as a result of the VB code executable. Unfortunately, despite being compiled so the machine language, the DLL named MSVBVMxx.DLL still needed.However, the characteristics of the compiled language still appears (it is faster than if we used terinterpretasi mode).
Visual Basic is a language that supports OOP, but not entirely. Some characteristics of the object can not be done in Visual Basic, such as Inheritance can not be done on a class module. Limited polymorphism can be done by declaring a class module that has a specific interface. Visual Basic (VB) is not case sensitive. In addition Visual Basic also supports Visual Programming
4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages: Pros: The commands in VB language is also very complete and in VB we can easily create a program without having to type in another program language, but enough to design an interface / display program with VB Editor superbly available. The most interesting part of the VB ActiveX in particular is the availability of facilities. ActiveX is a program / additional facilities that we can input / load into VB VB so the facilities and capabilities continue to increase. Jam it if we want to create a button, others you must create a code that long just to make buttons. Besides the source code, ocx VB can be obtained on the internet very much.
Disadvantages: In excess of course a piece of software has a weakness, VB has the disadvantage that VB does not have its own database and usually VB using databases such as mysql, sql server, microsoft access. Besides not having its own database of VB has no support to create a report from VB own innate, but it took a vb other software eg Crystal Report or Microsoft Access to build a report.
4.3 Applications in Visual Basic Ø Network Programming
Ø Creating Windows-based applications
Ø Program to create a web
The programming example:
Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 3 Console.Write ("*") Next

5. Ruby 5.1 History Ruby is a scripting programming language is object oriented. The purpose of the ruby ​​is to combine all the advantages of scripting programming languages ​​that exist in the world. Ruby written in C language with basic skills such as Perl and Python. Ruby was first made by a Japanese programmer named Yukihiro Matsumoto. Writing Ruby began in February 1993 and in December 1994 released the alpha version of ruby. In the early development of Ruby, Yukihiro meulis Ruby itself up in 1996 to form the Ruby community that many mengkotribusikan Ruby. 5.2. Advantages and Disadvantages Pros: Ø Simple Syntax
Ø Have a good Exception Handling
Ø Single inheritance
Ø Supported by Linux OS, Windows, MacOS X, OS / 2, BeOS, and Unix.
Ø It is a scripting programming language is object-oriented
Ø Have the garbage collector will automatically delete unused information from memory
Weaknesses: Ø Multithreading. Implementation is still a thread on ruby ​​green threads instead of native threads. This makes the application GUI (desktop) with a background thread can not be implemented in ruby.
Ø Virtual Memory, still fully ruby ​​ruby ​​interpreted so that the program tends to be slower.
Ø Spek. current specification of ruby ​​(syntax, behavior, etc.) is a ruby ​​implementation of the original from Matz.
Ø IDE. Currently the quality of the IDE for ruby ​​yet far. Net and java. But with IDE ruby ​​bermunculnya made with, conditions are somewhat changed. But because the ruby ​​language is very dynamic, it is difficult to get complete information about the structure of a ruby ​​program statically.
5.3 Application of Ruby language Ø The implementation of the Ruby on JRuby and Rubinius
Ø Ruby can be applied to Asynchronous JavaScript and XML technologies (AJAX).
Ø Ruby on Rails to create a web framework Example program: > To repeat #! / Usr / bin / ruby
count = 0 while count <10 puts "count =" + count.to_s count + = 1 end

Know the Python Programming Language

For my starter is still my kayak on the python programming language follows some explanation in a nutshell:

1The introduction of Python programming language

Python is a high-level programming language for various purposesspecificallydesigned to easily read, understood, and usedPython is a scripting language issimple but powerful with a syntax very elegant and beautiful is no less beautiful withRuby.
In addition to the programming language is extensible cool is my natureand a lot ofmy librarynya module and can be used as needed us.

2Writing style syntax (coding convention)

If you are a programmer I'm used to programming languages ​​CC + +Java et al.may be little surprisebecause the rules written in the Python syntax is very different from most programming languages ​​using the delimiter of the block, for example in theprogramming languages ​​CC + +and Java delimiter block using curly brackets'{}',example:

int main (int argcchar ** argv)
return 0;

Similarly, in procedural programming languages​​, like Delphiusing BEGIN and ENDblocks.

While Python uses indentation blocks I usually use a tab as delimiternyafor example:
def main ():
     return 0

can not be written:
def main ():
     return 0

Know the Java Programming Language

History of JavaJava pioneered by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank and Mike Sheridan of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. They require approximately 18 months to make the first version. This language was initially called "Oak" but later changed to "Java" in 1995 because the name Oak has been used as a copyright and are used as other programming languages. Between the manufacture of Oak in the fall of 1992 to be announced to the public in the spring of 1995, many people involved in the design and evolution of this language. Bill Joy, Arthur van Hoff, Jonathan Payne, Frank Yellin, and Tim Lindholm is a key contributor to finalize the original prototype.Modern JavaJava has been used in many ways and has proved its existence in the 21st century.Currently, Java is used various types of applications such as embedded applications, financial applications, desktop, flight simulation, image processing, games, distributed enterprise applications called the J2EE and much more.Java Virtual Machine (JVM)Java Virtual Machine is a simple application written in C language for mengeksi programs written in Java language. At the time of compilation (the change from high-level language into a lower language), the program was changed to CODE BYTE.Then during execution, the JVM byte code tersebu read and convert it into machine language understood by the operating system where the program is run.Because the JVM is very dependent on the platform (machine language is a low-level languages ​​are only understood by a particular machine, such as Intel, but can not be understood by another machine, such as Macintosh), this byte code can be made for free from the confines of a particular platform. Byte code generated in the process of compiling the Java language will always be the same for every operating system or type of engine, but will change the JVM byte code into machine language goals.Just In Time Compiler (JIT)Although Java was designed to be interpreted, technically nothing is blocking the Java is compiled into machine language like other programming languages. Sun provides compilers Just In Time Compiler (JIT) to compile the byte code into machine language at the same time with the execution. However, the JIT approach resulted in a greater ability than the usual interpretation.
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